Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Guest Post- Genossin Sophie: You and I, we are Slaves.

A long time ago, a German named Johann von Geothe said this: "no man is more deeply enslaved than the one who falsely thinks he is free".  We can all recognize why this statement is true: but are we not all those deeply enslaved men who falsely think they are free? We talk about modern slavery happening in Southeast Asia or Africa: but we forget that we ourselves are slaves.  How can a slave make another slave free? You can only free slaves when you yourself are free.  How are we slaves? money: or more precisely, usury to give it it's ancient name.  And how are we kept enslaved? think about it: our politicians are always going on about taxes, but taxes aren't the cause of home foreclosures and economic crises.

What is? a system of perpetual debt.  You see, most of the world's money cannot legally be traded for property.  This was determined beyond a shadow of a doubt in a Minnesota court case many years ago.  Why? the money is not and does not represent property of any type.  In a legal setting, property can only be traded for property.  As the Minnesota judge put it: only God can create something of value out of nothing.  Of course, as the PUDHYS have pointed out: money, or more precisely consumerism, is the new religion and the God of this religion is a master of false promises.  How did this happen you ask? very simple.  In the time of the Founding Fathers money was used to stand for property: which could increase in various ways.  People bought and sold property with this money, and also used it to give loans which were backed up by their property.  But in those days, modern banking would have been considered usury: and in most states usury was banned.  What happened was that people demanded more loans than could be given and so others filled the demand through trickery.  What is usury? just look at the word.  it means manipulation of or use of someone else or something which isn't yours.  What do modern banks do? they use wealth which doesn't belong to them to give out loans.  And then we're surprised when this leads to periodic crises?  Also, modern banks always charge interest on transactions.  But the question is: where does this interest come from? All the money in circulation is the principle of a loan which the federal reserve makes to the government.  That interest is created out of thin air by the banks.  Which means this: if they charge interest, and they created that interest out of thin air then how can you have the interest? you can't.

We talk about predatory loans, but that implies that there are non-predatory loans.  All loans are predatory: because there is no way you can ever pay them back without taking out another loan.  Which we do all the time, because loans come under many names (credit, wages, etc).   So, how much does a middle class person properly own? almost nothing.  They own only what they have traded for other property, what they inherited or what they produced for themselves.  How much do I own? I don't own the computer I'm writing this on, the clothes on my back or the objects surrounding me in my room: the only thing I own is a violin.  How did this happen? well, ask yourself this: how did the US suddenly expand property ownership in the 1950s? the answer is they didn't because you can't do that.  The people buying houses in the 1950s weren't trading property for property: they didn't have any property to begin with.  Except for the few people who paid with money obtained from selling family heirlooms or their mother's jewelry most of the "money" came from the Government who created it out of thin air to reward (white) soldiers returning from WWII.  They didn't give this illusory money to black soldiers in the same quantities and so we have the origin of the modern wealth gap.

This is an illusion which they have forced you to live with, the religion that they have forced you to believe in, and the ideal which they have forced you to give your labor and your blood for.  In what way is that not slavery? But before you pack your bags and flee the country remember that this is, and has always been a global system.  There is no place that you can go to escape it.  This is the necessity of revolution and struggle: this system cannot be escaped.  The system must instead be sabotaged from within. Struggle, and with enough patience, a lot of work and a little luck you will overcome.
Comrade Sophie

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