Monday, December 31, 2012

Time's up, the people lose

Apparently the administration is adding a partial retention of the estate tax moratorium to its offer to the Republicans.  Honestly, it's hard for me to see any good coming of this- we saw last year that the S/P will punish the government every time it doesn't cut Medicare ad Medicaid, to say nothing of attempting to fund Social Security.  (S/P said its credit downgrade was in response to what it viewed as insufficient cuts to health and welfare programs), meanwhile, the Republicans are in lockstep as ever, blocking any tax increase targeted by income, and holding down deduction adjustments to those most aimed at workers.  No surprise there, and the administration has already pledged 152 billion in unrelated Social Security cuts in exchange for...  Keeping the estate tax dead?  Seriously, whose side are the Democrats on?  I'm glad to see Harkin standing up, but without support from a White House that has betrayed its Democratic base at every opportunity, or a Scrooge-like change of heart from the House GOP I can't see anything good happening.  Social Security is going to be weakened, and it remains to be seen just what damage will be done to seniors, workers, and families who rely on Medicare or Medicaid, but said damage will be horrible.  Furthermore, the estate tax- a vital source of revenue for any government dating back to Henry II and before, and furthermore the best way to prevent concentration of wealth of the kind we've seen over the past two decades- will be kept dormant.

The entirety of the Republican Party, and a sizable contingent of the Democratic Party are completely dedicated to keeping things as they are for wealthy Capitalists, and philosophically committed to destroying the few social programs in existence.  The president has appeased this group at every opportunity, but the structure of our republic does make it far easier for a minority to blackmail a majority than for a majority to govern the country, so the blame isn't all his.  How do you negotiate with an enemy who has the ability to prevent you from doing anything to lead the country you were elected to govern, is committed to its goals, and tolerates no dissent?  The president seems to think the answer is by giving them everything they want, discreetly or otherwise.  The problem is- he's been doing that for four years now.  I sure don't see any payoff.  What little he's accomplished has either been with the Democratic House, or with Executive Order.  The Republicans (and certain Democrats) are committed to his personal downfall, and the continuation of the rule of the American aristocracy.  If he had realized this from the beginning, he may have been a great president.  Now, he is left pleading lamely with the Republicans not to follow the demands of their base.

This would be a time to say that the middle way is none at all, but that's actually not appropriate, since only one side has taken the middle path, so really, the middle way is non-existent would be better.  How can Democrats expect Republicans to respect progressive, communitarian values at the negotiating table if not in belief when their own president discards those values at every opportunity?

Genosse Graham


  1. Sometimes dearest, walls exist to be taken down. There is a middle way, we walk it, there is a wall in our path that separates us from our dreams. Shall we tear it down? :D

  2. Oh, if you say so I suppose:) Not much to be done now, Camlann has been lost, but I plan to find and serve the Percivales as long as they exist...
