Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Special Post: Purge of the Labour Party Underway

Just wanted to let you know that according to the BBC, the first 1,200 Corbyn supporters (out of a total electorate of about 250,000) have been purged from the party, with Acting leader Harman saying they will continue to weed out ballots marked for Corbyn after the votes are cast, and that other party brass say they may yet cancel the election if it looks like Corbyn can still win.

This is remarkably overt.

This didn't have to be about Jeremy Corbyn, but they made it so.  Now any outcome but Corbyn's selection will seemingly reveal the Labour Party to be a repressive tool of the elite, completing the desecration of the western world's most successful Socialist movement.  If Corbyn still wins, despite these purges...  I'll still have hope.

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