Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What this forum can be

Hello, Genossinnen und Genossen.

In September we set yet another record for webtraffic (over 500 reads), and I wanted to thank each of you for the time you take to read this little blog.  It means a lot to see people in twenty countries or more finding our thoughts interesting, and I want to welcome everyone from the United States (like me), the UK, Canada, Portugal- a fast growing sector for us!-, the Ukraine, Australia, Spain, Morocco, Croatia, Israel, France, Romania, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Japan, Singapore, Mexico, Russia, and die Bundesrepublik Deutschland to this site.

Over the last few months we've quadrupled our readership, and welcomed pieces from two dear friends of mine, broadening the topics and even the perspectives we bring to our dim light here.  I want to promise each of you that I'll keep a quality post coming every Wednesday until Socialism is achieved, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it.  Rest assured though, that every Wednesday until I run out of ideas- and as John Hodgman says, there is still some future and always more of the past left, I will post something.

Which brings me to today's topic- I know I like writing about politics and analyzing history and media through my distinctive lens.  Like it says in the tagline- it's a lens of the Old Left, as much as a feminist transwoman can be part of the Old Anything.  I know and you know I'm a Socialist and something of a Marxist, and I've written about what that means to me
 ( )

I may even be a Communist- I must confess that even after all my political science education I'm still unsure of a few things :), and even if I am, I remain uncertain if I'm a Trotskyist, a Leninist, or something else-maybe even a bit Peronist.  (Reasonably sure I'm not a Narodnik, Bakuninite, or Maoist, and I'm not cool enough to be a Luxemburgian).  Trying to read more theory and talk to Genosse Sam more to get those questions (and others) answered.  At the least I can tell you that I'm as Red as this post's background.

My point is- I think I know what I want to do here, but I really, really, really want your input on what you want to see here!  If just ten of you send in a message or a comment talking about what issues you want to see discussed, it would help so much in knowing where to go from here, what we should examine next, and how we can best serve the interests of our international and expanding readership.

I'm thrilled I've done such a good job of guessing your interests so far, but I'd like to do more than guess!- I want to hear what's important to some of you, and make this little red propaganda rag respond to your interests as well as mine!  Who's in?  Who wants me to write something in particular?

One-way communication isn't everything: if I'm to keep discussing these ideas, then please please please, comrades, please participate with us anyway you can!  (Though do keep reading too!)

Golidarität, Genossinnen und Genossen

Genossin Elise


  1. Personally, I would like to see fewer category labels describing "what" you think you are and more fleshy descriptions if what that means in terms of political changes. I. E., does a Trotskyist believe in gun control for the masses? How does a Leninist differ from a Marxist in taxation, etc.? Truly, you can just leave the labels off and discuss only ideas.

  2. Duly noted and I'm working on it! One great thing about underemployment is the opportunity to read a lot of philosophy and politics and even economics I've been putting off. I've been very pleased with the city library's selections, and have recently finished some of Luxembourg's pamphlets (my analysis of which may be posted on the 21st, I finished another project for this Wednesday), I've been reading Lenin off and on for a while now, and I'll ask Sam about a good Trotskyist primer! Thanks for reading and commenting!
